Resources and Citations
- Toolkit Ethical Storytelling & Asset-Framing: A Toolkit for Centering Equity when Communicating Programmatic Success
- Guide Guide to Coordination and Collaboration Among SNAP-Ed and Other Federal Programs
- Toolkit 2nd Edition: Nutrition Supports for Health Clinics
- Video An Introduction to South Carolina SNAP-Ed: Agency Profiles
- Video A Market For All: Hosting a Farmers Market at Your Library
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: Introduction and Background
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: Walk With Ease
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: Coordinated Approach to Child Health
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: Cooking Matters
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: GO NAPSACC and Sesame Street
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: Partnership Opportunities
- Video Clemson Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed: LiveWell Greenville Partner Statement
- Video Lowcountry Food Bank: Introduction and Nutrition Team
- Video Lowcountry Food Bank: Cooking Matters Classes and Store Tours
- Video Lowcountry Food Bank: Wellness Pantries
- Video Clemson University Youth Learning Institute SNAP-Ed
- Video Lowcountry Food Bank SNAP-Ed
- Video South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control SNAP-Ed
- Success Story SNAP-Ed Partners with Libraries to Bring Local Produce into Underserved Communities
- Success Story Increasing Access to Fresh Produce within the SC SNAP-Ed Program through the FoodShare SC Model
- Brief Increasing Access to Produce in South Carolina through the SNAP-Ed Program: Focus Group Findings

Samin, S, Younginer, N, Reid, A, Tober, E, Draper, C (2024, June/July). Evaluating the impacts of ‘Kids in the Kitchen’ program in promoting healthy diet and physical activity among school-aged children in South Carolina.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, Chicago, Illinois.
Draper C (2024, February). Advancing Food is Medicine Strategies Through SNAP-Ed at Local and State Levels. Oral presentation. Annual meeting of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Washington D.C.
Bruno P, Draper C, Keller K, Kim H, Rose C (2024, February). Keeping the promise: A call to re-vision the SNAP-Ed evaluation framework. Oral presentation. Annual meeting of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators. Washington D.C.
Draper C (2024, January). Advancing food policy councils through SNAP-Ed: From readiness to capacity for future sustainability. Invited presenter at the Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN) Food Policy Council Working Group meeting. Virtual format.
Bruno P, Fuller C, Draper C, Keller K, Rose C, Balestracci K, Misyak S, Younginer N (2023, October). Asset framing and ethical storytelling: A practical workshop to advance equity through inclusive narrative. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Indianapolis, IN.
Draper C, Herrnstadt Z, Page Bookhart, A (2023, July). Advancing food policy councils through SNAP-Ed: from readiness to capacity for future sustainability. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Washington D.C.
Draper C, Younginer N, Young G (2023, July). COVID-19 impact on the financial and food situations of South Carolinians participating in a SNAP-Ed produce box intervention. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Washington D.C.
Draper C, Weaver A (2023, May). Food is Medicine Alignment & Initiatives in South Carolina. Invited presenter at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Mountain Plains Regional Office State Nutrition Action Council Network meeting, Virtual Format.
Draper C, Younginer N. (2023, February). Exploring dimensions of equitable food access in Foodshare SC, an emerging evidence-based SNAP-Ed intervention. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Virtual Format.
Sherman S, Misyak S, LeBlanc H, Puma J, Younginer N, Cunningham K, Whetstone L, Kim H, Keller K, Foerster S, Bruno P, Draper C. (2023, February). Centering equity in SNAP-Ed evaluation. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Arlington, VA.
Misyak S, Bruno P, Markworth A, Younginer N, Rose C, Keller K, Lim S, Draper C, Balestracci, Tyler A (2023, February). Asset framing to promote equity and inclusion through SNAP-Ed evaluation. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Arlington, VA.
Bruno P, Foerster S, Draper C, Puma J, Misyak S, Younginer N, Sherman S, Cunningham K, Whetstone L, Austin S. (2022, February). Keeping the SNAP-Ed framework on the leading edge – How ASNNA practitioners can influence excellence in SNAP-Ed planning. Invited plenary at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Virtual Format.
Weaver A, Bourdon A, Draper C (2022, December). Food is medicine alignment and initiatives in South Carolina. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of Diabetes Free SC, Columbia, SC.
Whetstone L, Draper C, Keller K, Bruno P, Sadeghzadeh C, Vasold K, Foerster S. (2022, February). Collaboratively strengthening sectors of influence-level indicators through group learning and reflection. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Virtual Format.
Draper C, Younginer N, Herrnstadt Z, Page A, Sprouse G. (2021, October). Mapping rapid response: Process, outcomes, and future planning of the Columbia food policy committee network in the time of COVID-19. Virtual oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Public Health Association.
Draper C, Weaver, A. (2021, August). Food is Medicine South Carolina: multi-sector collaborations and stories from the field. Invited presentation at the 5th annual South Carolina Population Health Summit. Virtual Format.
Cates J, Herrnstadt Z, Page A (2021, May). Public Forums: An Event Planning Toolkit for Communities. Virtual oral presentation at the Eat Smart Move More SC Leadership Summit for Healthy Communities + Youth Edition.
Draper C, Younginer N, Bruno P, Rodriguez K, Lim SS, Till J, Balestracc K. (2021, Februrary). Design, implementation, and results of a joint cross-state evaluation on the impacts and adaptations made to SNAP-Ed programming during COVID-19. Virtual oral presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators.
Draper C, Younginer N (2021, February). Adapting the SNAP-Ed toolkit intervention, FoodShare, during COVID-19 and the results of a longitudinal evaluation on food security and produce consumption among customers. Virtual poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators.
Draper C, Younginer N (2020, July). Identifying transportation access strategies to advance SNAP-Ed programming. Virtual poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Draper C, Younginer N (2020, July). Identifying SNAP participant experiences and environments to inform tailored SNAP-Ed programming. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Virtual Format.
Draper C, Whilhelm G (2020, March). Addressing food inequities through the South Carolina SNAP-Ed program. Invited presenter at the annual Chronic Disease Prevention Symposium of the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Draper C, Page A (2020, March). Addressing inequities within the food system through local food policy councils. Oral presentation at the annual Summit of Together SC Facing Race Together.
Misyak, S, Lim, S, LaFleche M, Bruno P, Draper C, Younginer N (February 2020). Providing recommendations for standardized reporting through the analysis of state impact report. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Arlington, VA.
Draper C, Bruno P, Younginer N, DeMarco M, Gutusky L, LeGros T (2020, February). Connecting Agriculture and Population Health – Demonstrating Success, Building Support and Helping to Reduce Disparities through the Farm Bill and SNAP-Ed. Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators (ASNNA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Draper C (2019, November). Community informed policy. Invited panelist at the annual conference of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, Raleigh, NC.
Draper C (2019, October). Hunger in Columbia. Invited presenter at the Faith and Poverty Conference of the Cooperative Ministry, Columbia, SC.
Draper C (2019, October). Health advocacy campaigns. Invited panelist at the annual Leadership Summit of Eat Smart Move More SC, Florence, SC.
Dreyer E, Draper C (2019, October). Implementing nutrition support strategies in health clinics via the SNAP-Ed program. Oral presentation at the annual Leadership Summit of Eat Smart Move More SC, Florence, SC.
Cates J, Draper C (2019, October). The essential role of healthy eating, active living coalitions within food policy council development across the Carolinas. Oral presentation at the annual Leadership Summit of Eat Smart Move More SC, Florence, SC.
Draper C, Dreyer E, Page A, Herrnstandt Z (2019, October). Increasing access to healthy foods through health clinics and local food policy councils. Invited presenter at the annual conference of the South Carolina Office of Rural Health, Charleston, SC.
Draper C, Dreyer E (2019, July). The readiness of health clinics to partner with the SNAP-Ed program on nutrition support implementation. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Orlando, FL.
Draper C, Whitt O, Younginer N, Pope H, Paget C (2019, July). The sustainability of nutrition supports implemented in partnership with the South Carolina SNAP-Ed program. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Orlando, FL.
Younginer N, Draper C (2019, July). SNAP-Ed implementer perspectives on Partnering with diverse sectors. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Orlando, FL.
Pope H, Draper C, Paget C, Younginer N (2019, July). Exploring the use of decision cases for policy, systems, and environmental strategy trainings. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Orlando, FL.
Draper C, Sprouse G, Welborn K (2018, April). Collaborative and inclusive food systems planning. Oral presentation at the annual national planning conference of the American Planning Association, New Orleans, LA.
Draper C, Younginer N, Lyle M (2019, March). Identifying SNAP participant experiences and environments to inform tailored SNAP-Ed programming. Oral presentation at the annual symposium of the University of South Carolina Nutrition Consortium, Columbia, SC.
Draper C, Taylor S (2018, February). SC SNAP-Ed FreshEBT app pilot. An oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators, Arlington, VA
Draper C, Younginer N, Pope H, Mattison A, Paget C (2017, November). Using participatory evaluation to lessen the gap between policy and implementation within the SC SNAP-Ed program. An oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA
Draper C (2017, October). Understanding, identifying, and addressing food insecurity in South Carolina. An oral presentation at the Children’s Trust Prevention Conference, Columbia, SC
Hodges G, Draper C, Spann S, Reid A, Smyers J (2017, September). Connecting with SNAP-Ed in South Carolina. An oral session at the SC Farm to Institution Summit.
Draper C, Younginer N, Pope H, Paget C, and Mattison-Faye A (2017, July). Building capacity of the South Carolina SNAP-Ed program to implement policy, systems, and environmental strategies for healthy eating and active living in conjunction with delivery direct nutrition education. An oral presentation at the annual conference of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Draper C, Paget C (2017, May). SNAP-Ed PSE implementation in library and health clinic settings. A webinar presentation as a part of SERO Best Practices Webinar Series.
Draper C, Wilson B (2017, February). FoodShare SC and SNAP-Ed. A panel presentation at the annual conference of the Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators.
Draper C, Wilson B ( 2017, February). FoodShare SC: a model for cultivating health equity through food access. A panel webinar presentation entitled Healthy Equity in Action – Case Studies from the Carolinas hosted by SC Children’s Trust and Eat Smart, Move More SC.
Published Abstracts
Advancing Food Policy Councils Through SNAP-Ed: From Readiness to Capacity for Future Sustainability
Identifying SNAP Participant Experiences and Environments to Inform Tailored SNAP-Ed Programming
Identifying Transportation Access Strategies to Advance SNAP-Ed Programming
Exploring the Use of Decision Cases for Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) Trainings
Draper CL, Younginer N, Young G. Impacts of COVID-19 on the food and financial situations of South Carolinians. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. Revise-resubmit.
Keller K, Bruno P, Foerster S, Draper C. Thirty years of SNAP-Ed: The transition of the nation’s largest nutrition education program into a pillar of the public health infrastructure. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. In press.
Younginer NA, Draper CL. Capacity, communication, and coordination are key to successful implementation of policy, systems, and environmental strategies at SNAP-Ed partner sites in one Southeastern US State: A qualitative approach. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2023.
Puma J, Quinlan J, Bruno P, Keller K, Franck K, Lim SS, Draper C, Bergling E, Foerster S. First analysis of nationwide trends in use of the SNAP-Ed evaluation framework. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2023, 235-244. DOI:
Draper CL, Dreyer E. Readiness of health clinics to implement evidenced-based healthy eating strategies in partnership with the SNAP-Ed program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2021; 843-850. DOI:
Draper CL, Younginer N. The readiness of SNAP-Ed implementers to guide partners in changing policy, systems, and environments for healthy eating and active living. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2021; 751-758. DOI:
Draper CL. Exploring the feasibility of partnerships between public libraries and the SNAP-Ed program. Public Library Quarterly. 2021. DOI:
Pope H, Draper CL, Younginer N, Whitt O, Paget C. Use of decision cases for building SNAP-Ed implementers’ capacities to realize policy, systems, and environmental strategies. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2020; 512-521. DOI: